Condemnation of terrorist acts in Paris

Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks strongly condemns yesterday’s acts of violence and terrorism, and senseless killings of 10 journalists and 2 police officers in Paris. ICNAB also sends condolences to the families of the victims. In the name of American Bosniaks, we would like to extend our solidarity with the people of France.

Bosnian people know what it means to be a victim of violence, terror and oppression, and we understand how devastating it can be. On the other hand, people’s willingness to express their freedom in any way possible is much stronger than any actions of violence and cannot be silenced by any force, no matter how intimidating that force may be.

We hope that the perpetrators of these heinous acts will be brought to justice, and that the French
people will come out of this stronger and united in protecting the values of democracy and freedom for

Sabahudin Ćeman
Head Imam and President
Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks

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