Condemnation of Terrorism in Paris – Osuda Terorizma u Parizu

Phoenix, AZ

November 14, 2015

Condemnation of Terrorism in Paris – Osuda Terorizma u Parizu

Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks strongly condemns yesterday’s acts of terrorism, and senseless killings of more than a hundred innocent civilians in Paris. ICNAB also sends condolences to the families of the victims.

Terrorism has no faith or nationality. It is a global enemy of humanity, and it must be eliminated and stopped wherever it is found. Bosnian people have been victims of senseless killings of innocent civilians in our recent history, therefore, in the name of American Bosniaks, I would like to extend our solidarity with the people of France.

Islamska zajednica Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike najoštrije osuđuje jučerašnji teroristički čin i ubijanje više od stotinu nedužnih civila u Parizu. ICNAB takođe izražava svoje saučešće porodicama žrtava.

Terorizam nema ni vjere ni nacije. To je globalni neprijatelj čovječanstva, i mora biti eliminisan i zaustavljen gdje god se nađe. Bošnjaci suu skoroj historiji bili žrtve ubijanja nedužnih civila, i stoga u ime Američkih Bošnjaka, izražavam svoju solidarnost sa narodom Francuske.

Imam Sabahudin Ceman

Head Imam and President

Islamic Community of Bosniaks in North America

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