Poziv za pomoć žrtvama uragana Harvey / Call for support for Hurricane Harvey victims

Upravni odbor Islamske zajednice Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (ICNAB) na osnovu hitne konsultacije povodom razarajućeg nevremena i uragana koji je zahvatio predjele savezne države Teksas donio je odluku da dodjeli jednokratnu pomoć od $10,000 žrtvama koje su pogođene ovom nepogodom na prostoru Houstona.

Upravni odbor je također donio odluku da svi džemati članovi ICNAB-a organizuju sergiju u petak 1. septembra 2017. godine, a kao pomoć žrtvama urgana Harvey. Također, upravni odbor poziva sve džemate i džematlije da se odazovu na ovu akciju.

Na linkovima ispod možete pročitati oficijelna obavještenja ICNAB-a.

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Board members of the Islamic Community of Bosniaks in North America (ICNAB), after urgent consultatons following the destruction of hurricane Harvey in Texas, have deciced to donate $10,000 to the victims affected by this massive disaster.

In addition, the Board has decided to instruct all of it’s member organizations to conduct a fundraising event for the victims of Hurricane Harvey on September 1, 2017 – after Jumuah prayer. We are urging all of our member organizations and individual members to contribute to this cause and help those in need.

You can find the official press release on the links below.

Bosanski: Poziv za pomoć žrtvama uragana Harvey

English: Call for Support for Hurricane Harvey Victims

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