Press release regarding terror attacks in Turkey and Belgium

March 22, 2016

Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks strongly condemns the recent terror attacks in Ankara, Istanbul, and Brussels. Those senseless acts of violence prove once again that terrorism has no faith or nationality and that all humanity must work together to stop these heinous attacks on innocent civilians in the future.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and people in Turkey and Belgium. We wish all the injured a speedy recovery and hope that the perpetrators and masterminds behind these barbarous acts will be apprehended and brought to justice.

We stand united against terrorism!

Islamska zajednica Bošnjaka u Sjevernoj Americi strogo osuđuje nedavne terorističke činove u Ankari, Istanbulu, i Briselu. Ovi besmisleni činovi nasilja još jednom potvrđuju da terorizam nema ni vjere niti nacionalnosti, i da cijelo čovječanstvo mora raditi zajedno kako bi se ovi gnusni napadi na civile zaustavili u budućnosti.

U mislima i dovama smo sa žrtvama i narodom Turske i Belgije. Želimo brz oporavak svim povrijeđenim i nadamo se da će počinioci i osmisljitelji ovih barbarskih činova biti uhvaćeni i privedeni pravdi.

Zajedno protiv terorizma!

Imam Sabahudin Ćeman

Head Imam and President

Islamic Community of Bosniaks in North America

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